New Release Timeline and Works in Progress. Romance Suspense, R.T. Wolfe

Dark Vengeance coverBook 3 in the Black Creek Series, Dark Vengeance is now available for pre-order on iTunes and Barnes and Noble. The official release date is August 28th. The Amazon and Kobo links will be live a few days before the release. But you don’t have to remember any of this! Sign up for my newsletter and have once-a-month updates delivered to your email inbox. The subscription link is on the Home Page of my website.

Here is the Dark Vengeance book jacket blurb:

Detective Nickie Savage is pursuing a paroled arsonist who’s at it again. Worse, she’s plagued by the most recent victim’s nephew, Duncan Reed, the person she distrusts the most.Nickie Savage

Duncan won’t stop until the deadly arsonist targeting his Aunt is back behind bars. But the smart and sassy Nickie Savage is in his way and getting far too close to a 30-year-old secret he’s fought to protect.

When the arsonist strikes again with perfectly timed twin explosions, Duncan and Nickie must re-think everything they once believed about the arsonist and each other.

imagesIn the meantime, Detective Nickie Savage will be getting her own series. Book 1 in the Nickie Savage Series, Savage Deception, is completed and off to the first round of edits. We are hoping for release of this book somewhere between late 2013 and early 2014. She and Duncan are in all sorts of adventure, mystery and passion. Since the Black Creek Series and Nickie Savage Series will have many of the same characters, I’ve written a novella linking the two. So dang fun.

In a few weeks, I’m off to Florida shadow sea turtle conservation biologists as I outline and research a completely new series involving family secrets, ages old murder, old romance and new passion. I am hoping to have book 1 in the Sea ‘Scape Series out in 2014.

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